일본 투어링 및 로드 바이크 대여
Explore stunning scenery and an authentic side of Japan
Cycling and Touring in Japan
도로에서 일본을 여행하거나 자전거를 여행하는 것은 일본을 보는 아름다운 방법입니다.
Choose your starting location, select your bike and dates of your tour, and we will prep a bicycle for your adventure.
We provide cycle and gear rentals, along with local Japanese and bicycling expertise. Come empty handed or bring your own gear and explore Japan utilizing RBRJ’s Touring and Road Bike Rental service
Cycle Route Planning & Navigating in Japan: The Beginner's Guide
Cycle Route Planning & Navigating in Japan: The Beginner’s Guide This resource is going to show you how…
오사카에서 시마나미 카이도까지 가는 방법: 오렌지 페리 서비스
How To Take A Bike on A Train In Japan
교토 사이클링 개요 및 가이드: 자전거로 돌아다니기
Kyoto Cycling Overview and Guide: Getting around by Bike This Kyoto Cycling Guide will provide an overview of…