Cyclist along the Katsuragawa in Kyoto

오사카 RBRJ~교토 RBRJ: 당일 승차 가이드

Road Bike Rental Japan now has a location in Kyoto, and with that many more options for a one day cycle tour in Kansai!

Utilizing the Yodogawa cycle road, there are many options for one-way rides ranging from 45km to 70km that are appropriate for cyclists of all levels. 


One thing to keep in mind:
Yodogawa river cycling road has a couple dozen barriers between RBRJ Osaka and Kyoto city proper (over a 30km stretch). While it is a traffic-free cycle road, it can be a bit cumbersome at times to clip in and out along the way.  Don’t let this stop you from enjoying the flat but lovely scenery!

Pick your rental cycle up in Osaka, cruise up Yodogawa and choose your adventure in Kyoto:

RBRJ 교토로 가는 길에 있는 사쿠라 데이아이 홀

Distance: 43 km
Elevation: 58 m
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Continue straight across the southern Kyoto city after making a brief stop at Sakura Deai-kan and Iwashimizu Hachimangu for a great half day trip. 

The views are free at Sakura Deai Hall. You can climb the watch tower and enjoy other facilities at this bicycling rest stop


아라시야마 지역 및 서부 교토

Distance: 66 km
Elevation:  149m
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Head up north on Katsura-gawa to check out Matsuo Taisha, Arashiyama, and Sagano Bamboo forest before heading through the heart of Kyoto to RBRJ Kyoto.

Enjoy the cool beauty of the bamboo forest in Arashiyama


Kinkakuji, Northern Kyoto, Higashiyama, Fushimi Inari and more!

Distance: 73 km + (depending on stops)
Elevation: 214 m
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아라시야마 이후 교토의 대표적인 황금빛 신사 긴카쿠지를 비롯한 여러 유명 신사를 둘러보고 북쪽 도로를 따라 히가시야마 지역으로 이동해 보세요.

교토의 대표적인 황금 사원, 긴카쿠지

Head up the Kamo-gawa Northeast across Kyoto from Katsura-gawa towards Nanzenji (beautiful gardens and quiet temples), Gion (Kiyomizudera and excellent souvenir shopping) or even Fushimi Inari Taishi (all of the red gates!) before looping back down to RBRJ Kyoto.

후시미 이나리 타이샤의 붉은 문


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